Donate for Our Doctors

Always on my mind

Throughout the global pandemic, we have seen the amazing way that people have banded together to support each other. 

I have felt this so deeply with all the love and support that friends have shown us. For those who don’t know my amazing husband is a doctor. He is paediatrician but during the worst of the pandemic, like many of our friends, he was treating  both adults and children battling Covid-19. 

Many of our friends and family were (and still are) on the front line and have not hesitated to be a force for good, even when it’s outside of their direct field. I’m so proud of all of you and grateful to all you do (not just during covid but always). 

Having spoken to my husband and our friends I became acutely aware of how much stress and strain this pandemic has put each of them under. Not only due to being outside of their fields of expertise or being exposed to a highly contagious virus daily but also supporting patients who cannot be with their loved ones. This is particularly heartbreaking when a patient tragically loses their battle against Covid-19. 

Doctors and Nurses provide not only the medical and technical support but also a great deal of emotional care and support to their patients and loved ones. Sadly some of these amazing professionals have lost their lives in the pursuit of providing this care.

It’s clear to me that both now and once we get to grips with this terrible virus we are likely to see a lot of our frontline staff battling post-traumatic stress and burnout. It’s important that we continue to recognise how important these medical professionals are to the fabric of our society. We need to support them in the way they supported us.

To that end I wanted to do my part. 


I donated a range of artworks that our amazing supporters purchased, raising funds to support these wonderful people just as they continue support us and our families. Together we raised a brilliant £800 and during this time, every little helps.

All proceeds went to to Royal Medical Benevolent Fund. The RMBF supports doctors and their families with a range of services. The RMBF provides support for doctors and their families through all stages of their career and beyond. Their help ranges from financial assistance in the form of grants and loans to a telephone befriending scheme for those who may be isolated and in need of support. Now more than ever their support can have a hugely positive impact on Doctors and their families.

Remember, stay safe, social distance and get the vaccine to help protect our NHS.

Much love, Katy x

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